Media coverage of our research:
Hurricane Maria
Glacier melt in the Pacific Northwest
Soylu, E., J.D. Lenters, E. Istanbulluoglu, and S.P. Loheide (2012). On evapotranspiration and shallow groundwater fluctuations: A Fourier-based improvement to the
White method. Water Resour. Res., 48, W06506, doi:10.1029/2011WR010964. (PDF)
Herrman, K.S., D.T. Scott, J.D. Lenters, and E. Istanbulluoglu (2012). Nutrient loss following Phragmites australis removal in controlled soil mesocosms. Water, Air & Soil
Pollution, 223, 1-12. DOI 10.1007/s11270-012-1113-9 (PDF)
Francipane, A., V.Y. Ivanov, L.V. Noto, E. Istanbulluoglu, E. Arnone, R.L. Bras (2012). tRIBS-Erosion: A parsimonious physically-based model for studying catchment hydro-
geomorphic response. CATENA, p. 216-231, 10.1016/j.catena.2011.10.005 (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., T. Wang, O.M. Wright, and J.D. Lenters (2012). Interpretation of Hydrological Trends from a water balance perspective: The role of groundwater storage
in the Budyko hypothesis, Water Resour. Res., 48, W00H16, doi:10.1029/ 2010WR010100. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., T. Wang, and D.A. Wedin (2012). Evaluation of Ecohydrologic Model Parsimony at Local and Regional Scales in a Semiarid Grassland Ecosystem.
Ecohydrol. 5, 121–142, doi: 10.1002/eco.211. (PDF)
Lenters, J.D., G.J. Cutrell, E. Istanbulluoglu, D.T. Scott, K.S. Herrman, A. Irmak, and D.E. Eisenhauer (2011). Seasonal Energy and water balance of a Phragmites Australis-
dominated wetland in the Republican River Basin of south-central Nebraska (USA), Journal of Hydrology, 408 19–34. (PDF)
Soylu, E., E. Istanbulluoglu, J.D. Lenters, and T. Wang (2011). Quantifying the Impact of Groundwater Depth on Evapotranspiration in a Semi Arid Grassland Region,
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 787–806. (PDF)
2010 and earlier
Yetemen O., E. Istanbulluoglu, and E.R. Vivoni (2010). The implications of geology, soils, and vegetation on landscape morphology: Inferences from semiarid basins with
complex vegetation patterns in Central New Mexico, USA. Geomorphology, 116, 246–263. (PDF)
Wang, T., E. Istanbulluoglu, J. D. Lenters, and D.T. Scott (2009). On the role of groundwater and soil texture in the regional water balance: An Investigation in the
Nebraska Sand Hills, USA. Water Resour. Res., 45, W10413, doi:10.1029/2009WR007733. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E. (2009a). Modeling Catchment Evolution: From Decoding Geomorphic Processes Signatures Toward Predicting Impacts of Climate Change. Geography
Compass 3: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2009.00228.x (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E. (2009b). An Eco-hydro-geomorphic Perspective to Modeling the Role of Climate in Catchment Evolution. Geography Compass 3: 10.1111/j.1749-
8198.2009.00229.x (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., O. Yetemen, E.R. Vivoni, H.A. Gutierrez-Jurado, and R.L. Bras (2008). Eco-geomorphic implications of hillslope aspect: Inferences from analysis of
landscape morphology in central New Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L14403, doi:10.1029/2008GL034477. (PDF)
Irmak S., E. Istanbulluoglu, and A. Irmak (2008). An evaluation of evapotranspiration model complexity against performance in comparison with Bowen Ratio Energy
Balance latent heat measurements. Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 51(4): 1295-1310.
Gutiérrez-Jurado, H.A., E.R. Vivoni, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras (2007). Ecohydrological response to a geomorphically significant flood event in a first-order semiarid
basin with contrasting hillslope ecosystems. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L23S25, doi:10.1029. (PDF)
Grimaldi S., S. Nardi, F. Di Bendetto, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras (2007). A physically-based method for removing pits in digital elevation models. Advances In Water
Resources, v. 30 (10) p. 2151-2158. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., and R.L. Bras (2006). On the dynamics of soil moisture, vegetation and erosion: Implications of climate variability and change, Water Resour. Res. v. 42,
no. 6 W06418 10.1029/2005WR004113. (PDF)
Tucker G.E., L. Arnold, R.L. Bras, H. Flores, E. Istanbulluoglu, and P. Solyom (2006), Headwater channel dynamics in semi-arid rangelands, Colorado high plains, USA,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, no. 7/8, p. 959-974. (PDF)
Flores-Cervantes, J. H., E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras (2006). The Development of Gullies on the Landscape: A Model of Headcut Retreat Resulting From Plunge Pool
Erosion, J. of Geophy. Res., 111, F01010, doi: 10.1029/2004JF000226. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., and R.L. Bras (2005). Vegetation-modulated landscape evolution: Effects of vegetation on landscape processes, drainage density, and topography, J. of
Geophys. Res., 110, F02012, doi:10.1029/2004JF000249. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., R.L. Bras, H. Flores, and G.E. Tucker (2005). Implications of Bank Failures and Fluvial Erosion for Gully Development: Field Observations and Modeling,
J. of Geophys. Res. 119, F01014, doi:10.1029/2004JF000145. (PDF)
Luce, C.H., D.G. Tarboton, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.T. Pack (2005). Reply to Comment on Modeling of the interactions between forest vegetation, disturbances, and
sediment yields, J. of Geophys. Res. 110, F01013, doi:10.1029/2004JF000279. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., D.G. Tarboton, R.T. Pack, and C.H. Luce (2004). Modeling of the Interactions Between Forest Vegetation, Disturbances and Sediment Yields, J. of
Geophys. Res., 109, F01009, doi:10.1029/2003JF000041. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., D.G. Tarboton, R.T. Pack, and C.H. Luce (2003). A Sediment Transport Model for Incision of Gullies On Steep Topography, Water Resour. Res., 39(4),
1103, doi:10.1029/2002WR001467. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., D.G. Tarboton, R.T. Pack, and C. Luce (2002). A Probabilistic Approach for Channel Initiation, Water Resour. Res., 38(12), 1325,
doi:1310.1029/2001WR000782. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E. (2000). Theoretical Justification of SCS Method for Runoff Estimation (Discussion). ASCE Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Eng. 126(1), p:74-75.
Hurricane Maria
Glacier melt in the Pacific Northwest
- Keck, J., Istanbulluoglu, E., Campforts, B., Tucker, G., and Horner-Devine, A.: A landslide runout model for sediment transport, landscape evolution and hazard assessment applications, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2023.
- Alvis, A.D., Luce, C.H., Istanbulluoglu, E., Black, T., Dieu, J. & Black, J. (2024) Using additional roughness to characterize erosion control treatment effectiveness in roadside ditch lines. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(4), 1255–1272. Available from:
- Schwat E., Istanbulluoglu E., Horner-Devine A., Anderson S., Knuth F., and D. Shean (2023). Multi-decadal erosion rates from glacierized watersheds on Mount Baker, Washington, USA, reveal topographic, climatic, and lithologic controls on sediment yields, Geomorphology,
- Nudurupati, S. S., Istanbulluoglu, E., Tucker, G. E., Gasparini, N. M., Hobley, D. E. J., Hutton, E. W. H., et al. (2023). On transient semi-arid ecosystem dynamics using Landlab: Vegetation shifts, topographic refugia, and response to climate. Water Resources Research, 59, e2021WR031179.
- Bukhari, M.H., da Silva, P.F., Pilz, J., Istanbulluoglu E., et al. Community perceptions of landslide risk and susceptibility: a multi-country study. Landslides (2023).
- Alvis, A., Luce, C., & Istanbulluoglu, I. (2023). How does traffic affect erosion of unpaved forest roads? Environ. Rev. 31: 182–194 (2023).
- Keck, J., Istanbulluoglu, E., Lundquist, J., Bandaragoda, C., Jaeger, K., Mauger, G., & Horner-Devine, A. (2022). How does precipitation variability control bedload response across a mountainous channel network in a maritime climate? Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR030358.
- Ahrendt, S., Horner-Devine, A. R., Collins, B. D., Morgan, J. A., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2022). Channel conveyance variability can influence flood risk as much as streamflow variability in western Washington State. Water Resources Research, 58, e2021WR031890.
- Hu R., Wang Y, Chang J., Istanbulluoglu E., Guo A., Meng X., Li Z., He B., and Y. Zhao (2022). Coupling water cycle processes with water demand routes of vegetation using a cascade causal modeling approach in arid inland basins, Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 156492, ISSN 0048-9697,
- Ivanov, V.Y., Xu, D., Dwelle, M. C., Sargsyan, K., Wright, D. B., Katopodes, N., et al. (2021). Breaking down the computational barriers to real-time urban flood forecasting. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL093585:
- Han, P.-F.4, Istanbulluoglu, E., Wan, L., & Wang, X.-S. (2021). A new hydrologic sensitivity framework for unsteady- state responses to climate change and its application to catchments with croplands in Illinois. Water Resources Research, 57, e2020WR027762:
- Beveridge, C., Istanbulluoglu, E., Bandaragoda, C., & Pfeiffer, A. M. (2020). A channel network model for sediment dynamics over watershed management time scales Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12, e2019MS001852.
- Barnhart, K. R., Hutton, E. W. H., Tucker, G. E., Gasparini, N. M., Istanbulluoglu, E., Hobley, D. E. J., Lyons, N. J., Mouchene, M., Nudurupati, S. S., Adams, J. M., and Bandaragoda, C.: Short communication: Landlab v2.0: A software package for Earth surface dynamics, Earth Surf. Dynam., 2020.
- Morgan J.A., Kumar N., Horner-Devine A.R., Ahrendt S., Istanbullouglu E., C. Bandaragoda (2020). The use of a morphological acceleration factor in the simulation of large-scale fluvial morphodynamics. Geomorphology 356 (2020) 107088.
- Zhang Y., Hassan M, King L., Fu X., Istanbulluoglu E., and G. Wang (2020). Morphometrics of China's Loess Plateau: The spatial legacy of tectonics climate, and loess deposition history. Geomorphology 354 (2020) 107043:
- Strauch R., E. Istanbulluoglu, and J. Riedel (2019). A new approach to mapping landslide hazards: a probabilistic integration of empirical and physically based models in the North Cascades ofWashington, USA. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 19, 2477–2495, 2019.
- Yetemen O., Saco P., and E. Istanbulluoglu (2019). Ecohydrology controls the geomorphic response to climate change, Geophysical Research Letters, 46.
- Pfeiffer, A. M., Collins, B. D., Anderson,S. W., Montgomery, D. R., & Istanbulluoglu, E. (2019). River bed elevation variability reflects sediment supply, rather than peakflows, in the uplands of Washington State. Water Resources Research,55.
- Di C., Wang T., Istanbulluoglu E., Jayawardena A.W., Li S., and X Chen. (2019). On the deterministic chaotic dynamics in soil moisture, Journal of Hydrology. Journal of Hydrology, 578:
- Bandaragoda C., A. Castronova, E. Istanbulluoglu, R. Strauch, S. S. Nudurupati1 J. Phuong, J. M. Adams, N. M. Gasparini, K. Barnhart, E. W. H. Hutton, D. E. J. Hobley, N. Lyons, G. E. Tucker, D.G. Tarboton, R. Idaszak, S. Wang (2019). Enabling Collaborative Numerical Modeling in Earth Sciences using Knowledge Infrastructure. Environmental Modeling and Software, Vol 120, October 104424.
- Bloschl G., Bierkins M.F.P., Chambel A. et al (2019). Twenty-three Unsolved Problems in Hydrology (UPH)- a community perspective. Hydrological Sciences Journal.
- Phuong J., C. Bandaragoda, E. Istanbulluoglu, C. Beveridge, R. Strauch, L. Setiawan, and S. D. Mooney (2019). Automated retrieval, preprocessing, and visualization of gridded hydrometeorology data products for spatial-temporal exploratory analysis and intercomparison. Environmental Modeling and Software. Vol 116. p. 119-30:
- Frans, C., Istanbulluoglu, E., Lettenmaier, D. P., Fountain, A. G., & Riedel, J. (2018). Glacier recession and the response of summer streamflow in the Pacific NorthwestUnited States, 1960–2099. Water Resources Research, 54. This paper was highlighted in EOS.
- Strauch R., Istanbulluoglu E., Nudurupati S.S., Bandaragoda C., Gasparini N.M., and G.E. Tucker (2018). A hydro-climatological approach to predicting regional landslideprobability using Landlab. Earth Surf. Dynam., 6, 1–26, 2018.
- Strauch, R. L., E. Istanbulluoglu, R. Rochefort, Z. Duran, and K. Purnell. 2018. Developing a GIS-based geospatial decision support tool for assessing climate change impacts on flood risks in Northern Cascadia road networks. Natural Resource Report NPS/NOCA/NRR—2018/1808. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.
- Pelletier, J.D., G. A. Barron-Gafford, H. Guttierez-Jurado, E. S. Hinckley, E Istanbulluoglu, L.A. McGuire1, G. Niu, M. J. Poulos, C. Rasmussen, P. Richardson, T. L. Swetnam,and G E. Tucker (2018). Which way do you lean? Using slope aspect variations to understand Critical Zone processes and feedbacks. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, DOI: 10.1002/esp.4306.
- Bastola, S., Dialynas, Y. G., Bras, R. L., Noto L.V., and E Istanbulluoglu (2018). The role of vegetation on gully stabilization at a severely degraded landscape: a case study from Calhoun experimental critical zone observatory. Geomorphology 308 (2018) 25–39 .
- Wright O.M., E. Istanbulluoglu, R. R. Horner, C. L. DeGasperi, and J. Simmonds (2018). Is there a limit to bioretention effectiveness? Evaluation of stormwater bioretention treatment using a lumped ecohydrologic model and ecologically-based design criteria. Hydrological Processes, Vol. 308, pages 25-39.
- Han Peng-Fei, Wang X-S, and E. Istanbulluoglu (2018) A null-parameter formula of storage-evapotranspiration relationship at catchment scale and its application for a new hydrological model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123.
- Hobley, D. E. J., Adams, J. M., Nudurupati, S. S., Hutton, E. W. H., Gasparini, N. M., Istanbulluoglu, E., and Tucker, G. E. (2017): Creative computing with Landlab: an open-source toolkit for building, coupling, and exploring two-dimensional numerical models of Earth-surface dynamics, Earth Surf. Dynam. doi:10.5194/esurf-5-21-2017.
- Adams, J.M., Gasparini, N.M., Hobley, D.E.J., Tucker, G.E., Hutton, E.W.H., Nudurupati, S.S., and Istanbulluoglu, E. (2017). The Landlab v1.0 OverlandFlow component: a Python tool for computing shallow-water flow across watersheds. Geoscientific Model Development, 2017, doi:10.5194/gmd-10-1645-2017.
- Caracciolo, D., Istanbulluoglu E, and L.V. Noto (2017). An ecohydrological cellular automaton model investigation of juniper pine tree encroachment in a western North America landscape. Ecosystems, doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0096-6.
- Istanbulluoglu, E. (2016). Landscape evolution models and ecohydrologic processes. In Ecosystems: A Biogeoscience Approach, E.A. Johnson and Y Martin (eds). Cambridge University Press, Oct. 13, 2016, 496p.
- Mykleby, P.M., J.D. Lenters, G.J. Cutrell, K.S. Herrman, E. Istanbulluoglu, D.T. Scott, T. E. Twine, C.J. Kucharik, T. Awada, and M.E. Soylu (2016). Water and energy balance response of a riparian wetland to herbicide treatment of invasive Phragmites Australis. Journal of Hydrology, 539, 290-303: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2016.05.015.
- Frans, C., E. Istanbulluoglu, D.P. Lettenmaier, G.C. Clarke, T. Bohn, and M. Stumbaugh (2016). Implications of decadal to century scale glacio-hydrological change for water resources of the Hood River Basin, OR U.S.A., Hydrological Processes DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10872.
- Caracciolo, D., E. Istanbulluoglu, L.V. Noto, and S. Collins (2016). Mechanisms of shrub encroachment into Northern Chihuahuan Desert grasslands and impacts of climate change investigated using a cellular automata model. Advances in Water Resources, 91 (2016), 46–62. (PDF)
- Tucker, G.E., D. E. Hobley, E. Hutton, N.M. Gasparini, E. Istanbulluoglu, J.M. Adams, and S.S. Nudurupati (2016). CellLab-CTS 2015: continuous-time stochastic cellular automaton modeling using Landlab. Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 823–839, 2016. (PDF)
- Clark, M.P., B. Schaefli, S.J. Schymanski, L. Samaniego, C.H. Luce, B.M. Jackson, J.E. Freer, J.R. Arnold, R.D. Moore, E. Istanbulluoglu, and S. Ceola (2016). Improving the theoretical underpinnings of process-based hydrologic models. Water Resour. Res., 52, doi:10.1002/ 2015WR017910. (PDF)
- Frans, C., E. Istanbulluoglu, D.P. Lettenmaier, B. Naz, G. Clarke, T. Condom, P. Burns, and A. Nolin (2015), Predicting glacio-hydrologic change in the headwaters of the Zongo River, Cordillera Real, Bolivia, Water Resour. Res., 51, 9029–9052, doi:10.1002/2014WR016728. (PDF)
- Yetemen, O., E. Istanbulluoglu, and A. Duvall (2015). Solar Radiation as a Global Driver of Hillslope Asymmetry. Water Resources Research 51, doi:10.1002/ 2015WR017103. (PDF)
- Yetemen, O., E. Istanbulluoglu, J.H. Flores-Cervantes, E.R. Vivoni, and R.L. Bras (2015), Ecohydrologic role of solar radiation on landscape evolution, Water Resour. Res., 51, 10.1002/2014WR016169 (2015 editor’s choice award). (PDF)
- Chang, J., Y. Wang, E. Istanbulluoglu, T. Bai, Q. Huang, D. Yang, and S. Huang (2015). Impact of climate change and human activities on runoff in the Weihe River Basin, China, Quaternary International, (PDF)
- Wang, T., E. Istanbulluoglu, D. Wedin, and P. Hanson (2015). Impacts of devegetation on the temporal evolution of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity in a vegetated sand dune area. Environ Earth Sci. 73:7651–7660. DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3936-8. (PDF)
- Caracciolo, D., L.V. Noto, E. Istanbulluoglu, S. Fatichi, and X. Zhou (2014). Climate change and Ecotone boundaries: Insights from a cellular automata ecohydrology model in a Mediterranean catchment with aspect controlled vegetation patterns. Advances in Water Resources, v. 73 (11), p. 159-175. (PDF)
- Flores-Cervantes, J.H., E. Istanbulluoglu, E.R. Vivoni, and R.L. Bras (2014). A geomorphic perspective on terrain-modulated organization of vegetation productivity:Analysis in two semiarid grassland ecosystems in Southwestern United States. Ecohydrol., 7: 242–257. doi: 10.1002/eco.1333 (PDF)
- Gutierrez-Jurado, H.A., E.R. Vivoni, C. Cikoski, J.B.J. Harrison, R.L. Bras, and E. Istanbulluoglu (2013). On the observed ecohydrologic dynamics of a semiarid basin with aspect-delimited ecosystems, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/ 2013WR014364. (PDF)
- Zhou, X., E Istanbulluoglu, and E.R. Vivoni (2013). Modeling the ecohydrological role of aspect-controlled radiation on tree-grass-shrub coexistence in a semiarid climate, Water Resour. Res., 49, doi:10.1002/wrcr.20259. (PDF)
- Bracht-Flyr, B., E. Istanbulluoglu, and S. Fritz (2013). A hydro-climatological lake classification model based on the Budyko hypothesis and its evaluation using global data. Journal of hydrology, 486, 376–383. (PDF)
- Frans, C., E. Istanbulluoglu, V. Mishra, F. Munoz-Arriola, and D.P. Lettenmaier (2013). Are climatic or land cover changes the dominant cause of runoff trends in the Upper Mississippi River Basin?, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1104–1110, doi:10.1002/grl.50262. (PDF)
Soylu, E., J.D. Lenters, E. Istanbulluoglu, and S.P. Loheide (2012). On evapotranspiration and shallow groundwater fluctuations: A Fourier-based improvement to the
White method. Water Resour. Res., 48, W06506, doi:10.1029/2011WR010964. (PDF)
Herrman, K.S., D.T. Scott, J.D. Lenters, and E. Istanbulluoglu (2012). Nutrient loss following Phragmites australis removal in controlled soil mesocosms. Water, Air & Soil
Pollution, 223, 1-12. DOI 10.1007/s11270-012-1113-9 (PDF)
Francipane, A., V.Y. Ivanov, L.V. Noto, E. Istanbulluoglu, E. Arnone, R.L. Bras (2012). tRIBS-Erosion: A parsimonious physically-based model for studying catchment hydro-
geomorphic response. CATENA, p. 216-231, 10.1016/j.catena.2011.10.005 (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., T. Wang, O.M. Wright, and J.D. Lenters (2012). Interpretation of Hydrological Trends from a water balance perspective: The role of groundwater storage
in the Budyko hypothesis, Water Resour. Res., 48, W00H16, doi:10.1029/ 2010WR010100. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., T. Wang, and D.A. Wedin (2012). Evaluation of Ecohydrologic Model Parsimony at Local and Regional Scales in a Semiarid Grassland Ecosystem.
Ecohydrol. 5, 121–142, doi: 10.1002/eco.211. (PDF)
Lenters, J.D., G.J. Cutrell, E. Istanbulluoglu, D.T. Scott, K.S. Herrman, A. Irmak, and D.E. Eisenhauer (2011). Seasonal Energy and water balance of a Phragmites Australis-
dominated wetland in the Republican River Basin of south-central Nebraska (USA), Journal of Hydrology, 408 19–34. (PDF)
Soylu, E., E. Istanbulluoglu, J.D. Lenters, and T. Wang (2011). Quantifying the Impact of Groundwater Depth on Evapotranspiration in a Semi Arid Grassland Region,
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 15, 787–806. (PDF)
2010 and earlier
Yetemen O., E. Istanbulluoglu, and E.R. Vivoni (2010). The implications of geology, soils, and vegetation on landscape morphology: Inferences from semiarid basins with
complex vegetation patterns in Central New Mexico, USA. Geomorphology, 116, 246–263. (PDF)
Wang, T., E. Istanbulluoglu, J. D. Lenters, and D.T. Scott (2009). On the role of groundwater and soil texture in the regional water balance: An Investigation in the
Nebraska Sand Hills, USA. Water Resour. Res., 45, W10413, doi:10.1029/2009WR007733. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E. (2009a). Modeling Catchment Evolution: From Decoding Geomorphic Processes Signatures Toward Predicting Impacts of Climate Change. Geography
Compass 3: 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2009.00228.x (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E. (2009b). An Eco-hydro-geomorphic Perspective to Modeling the Role of Climate in Catchment Evolution. Geography Compass 3: 10.1111/j.1749-
8198.2009.00229.x (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., O. Yetemen, E.R. Vivoni, H.A. Gutierrez-Jurado, and R.L. Bras (2008). Eco-geomorphic implications of hillslope aspect: Inferences from analysis of
landscape morphology in central New Mexico. Geophysical Research Letters, 35, L14403, doi:10.1029/2008GL034477. (PDF)
Irmak S., E. Istanbulluoglu, and A. Irmak (2008). An evaluation of evapotranspiration model complexity against performance in comparison with Bowen Ratio Energy
Balance latent heat measurements. Transactions of the ASABE, vol. 51(4): 1295-1310.
Gutiérrez-Jurado, H.A., E.R. Vivoni, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras (2007). Ecohydrological response to a geomorphically significant flood event in a first-order semiarid
basin with contrasting hillslope ecosystems. Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L23S25, doi:10.1029. (PDF)
Grimaldi S., S. Nardi, F. Di Bendetto, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras (2007). A physically-based method for removing pits in digital elevation models. Advances In Water
Resources, v. 30 (10) p. 2151-2158. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., and R.L. Bras (2006). On the dynamics of soil moisture, vegetation and erosion: Implications of climate variability and change, Water Resour. Res. v. 42,
no. 6 W06418 10.1029/2005WR004113. (PDF)
Tucker G.E., L. Arnold, R.L. Bras, H. Flores, E. Istanbulluoglu, and P. Solyom (2006), Headwater channel dynamics in semi-arid rangelands, Colorado high plains, USA,
Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 118, no. 7/8, p. 959-974. (PDF)
Flores-Cervantes, J. H., E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.L. Bras (2006). The Development of Gullies on the Landscape: A Model of Headcut Retreat Resulting From Plunge Pool
Erosion, J. of Geophy. Res., 111, F01010, doi: 10.1029/2004JF000226. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., and R.L. Bras (2005). Vegetation-modulated landscape evolution: Effects of vegetation on landscape processes, drainage density, and topography, J. of
Geophys. Res., 110, F02012, doi:10.1029/2004JF000249. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., R.L. Bras, H. Flores, and G.E. Tucker (2005). Implications of Bank Failures and Fluvial Erosion for Gully Development: Field Observations and Modeling,
J. of Geophys. Res. 119, F01014, doi:10.1029/2004JF000145. (PDF)
Luce, C.H., D.G. Tarboton, E. Istanbulluoglu, and R.T. Pack (2005). Reply to Comment on Modeling of the interactions between forest vegetation, disturbances, and
sediment yields, J. of Geophys. Res. 110, F01013, doi:10.1029/2004JF000279. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu E., D.G. Tarboton, R.T. Pack, and C.H. Luce (2004). Modeling of the Interactions Between Forest Vegetation, Disturbances and Sediment Yields, J. of
Geophys. Res., 109, F01009, doi:10.1029/2003JF000041. (PDF)
Istanbulluoglu, E., D.G. Tarboton, R.T. Pack, and C.H. Luce (2003). A Sediment Transport Model for Incision of Gullies On Steep Topography, Water Resour. Res., 39(4),
1103, doi:10.1029/2002WR001467. (PDF)
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